No More Blank Pages--20+ Nonfiction Templates

2 ratings

What if you opened up a new document and had a template instead of a blank page?

Blank pages are OVERWHELMING. You're left asking:

  • What kind of story should I write?
  • Will my readers find it interesting?
  • How do I even start!?

What if you had a structure to help you fill in the white space?

Structure backed by experience

Kelly Eden has been telling and selling stories for over 14 years.

She has analyzed hundreds of top writers' stories to find the best examples of what works. She knows how to structure a piece and get the words flowing.

Story prompts aren't always enough.

Sometimes you need more than that--you need a scaffold.

What Will It Do For Your Writing?

No More Blank Pages gives you 20+ nonfiction story scaffolds which can be used again and again to get your stories flowing.

PLUS examples and explanations of each form.

  • Service pieces,
  • Personal Essays,
  • Opinion Pieces,
  • Researched stories
  • Creative nonfiction

Personal essays and service pieces sell for $100-300USD and researched features can sell for $1000 or more.

You don't have to start from scratch.

Borrow Kelly's experience and grab a template. Copy and paste into a draft...

And stop staring at blank pages!

I want this!

A 20+ page download with templates to help you tell and structure your nonfiction stories.

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No More Blank Pages--20+ Nonfiction Templates

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I want this!